"We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist". - Wendell Berry
In farming it is critical to recognize that which is in disharmony and that which is in harmony, that which is working and that which is not working. Every day, every moment, is focused on this observation so that we can become better stewards of the land, the soil, and the soul of our communities.
We farm because it supports a human society, with the hope that the human society will produce the divine gifts of community, love, artistic expression, peace, humility, kindness, joy, harmony, civility. We farm because we love to care for the earth and feed our community. We farm because of the appreciation in our customer’s eyes that results from a proper and nourishing diet.
My emails have become increasingly less frequent. I used to have a lot to say, now, not so much. I feel actions speak louder than words, and we have much work to do. The work is fulfilling, enlightening, and purifying. A beautiful dance with Mother Nature.
We intend to share more of this experience through tours, volunteer opportunities, and social media. For now:
- We lost many crops due to the extended cold weather in December, hence our absence at Alexandria and Olney Farmer’s Markets. We are seeding and planting every week and are excited to get an early spring crop for your eating needs!! We intend to resume markets in early April.
- We are currently enrolling in our CSA program. More information here. Do not hesitate to reach out with questions.
- We are thankful for other local organic farms whom we source from during our own crop failures so that we can continue to feed our CSA members. Without a strong community of farmers and farming industry we would be unable to produce and supply fresh local veggies year round.
- We have tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant started and growing in a heated grow room. Some of our tomatoes have already made their way to the greenhouse in preparation to be potted up and then planted in late March!
- We will have a Plant Sale again this year and will advertise when you can begin pre-orders.
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Common Root Farm and local agriculture!!
Much Peace,