"We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist". - Wendell Berry In farming it is critical to recognize that which is in disharmony and that which is in harmony, that which is working and that which is not working. Every day, every moment, is focused on this observation so that we can become better stewards of the land, the soil, and the soul of our communities. We farm because it supports a human society, with the hope that the human society will produce the divine gifts of community, love,...
January 26, 2022

Five steps forward. Three steps backwards. Two steps forward. Five steps forward. Repeat. Despite the challenges we all face, we can all rest assured that we are making progress towards our intended destination, whatever that may be. Here on the farm we are seeding, (first tomatoes have sprouted!!), and prepping beds, and planting, and accounting, and planning, and cleaning, and organizing. And while much of this work makes us feel like we are sliding backwards, we are truly creating a new foundation from which we can reach to even higher goals. So we continue on, with diligence, grace, and peace,...
CFS + Manna - January 21, 2022

Howdy Folks!! As many of you know, last year we partnered with Community Farm Share and Manna to provide CSA shares and vegetables to those in our county who face regular food insecurity and lack access to high quality vegetables. Well before founding Common Root Farm, I experimented with growing vegetables, as well as culling vegetables from the organic vegetable farm that gave me a foundation in vegetable production, to offer to those in need, freely or on a donation basis. While I successfully failed at vegetable production that year, producing a few hundred pounds of potatoes and 10 pounds...
Gratitude + 2022 CSA and Changes - January 14, 2022

Hallelujah! :). Thank you! Thank you to everyone reading this. Thank you to everyone who purchased a Farm Card. Thank you to everyone who responded to my survey. Thank you for the wonderful emails and words of encouragement. I am invigorated for this season, both due to my inner sense of purpose and due to the gratitude and support from this wonderful community. I am invigorated to work with the earth, to transform soil and seeds into nourishing vegetables, to feed this community. I am invigorated to continue my evolution, my refinement, and my conditioning. The journey that lays before...
In Light and Love: Updates From the Farm - January 3, 2022